Why UX/UI Design?👨🏻💻
As a creative and empathetic person with a background in fashion design preceded by humanities, I love working in an innovative field that utilizes and combines these traits.
My background
Pure 9+ Years of background experience in fashion, I worked on a variety of projects around the most fashionable cities in the world such as New York City, Milan, and London. 😎
Not a job, but a big passion
Over time, my work experiences have made me understand the importance of knowing how to solve problems, and I have realized how much I like to help users achieve their goals, making sure that, in the meantime, they can have a simple and pleasant experience.
My great passion for user experience design has pushed me to develop digital experiences that are accessible and visually appealing for different types of clients. Learning from all the creative minds I have met up to now, I am always open to sharing my experiences and knowledge with others. I consider myself an extremely determined person to achieve their goals. Whether they are personal or professional, my attitude always remains the same.
Personal Interests & Hobbies
My interests lie at the intersection of art and culture, innovation and media. I love attending personal development programs, as I am always focused on working on a better version of myself. In my free time I enjoy playing sports and spending time with friends and family. 🏛️📚
Travel & languages
Soft skills enable you to fit in at a workplace. I firmly believe that travel and interact with people from all over the world helps to improve your personal development skills. The qualities and abilities you acquire from travelling help you grow both personally and professionally. I have spent nearly 8 years living abroad, I travelled most of Europe and visited almost every continent in the world. During this time I worked with people from different cultures and background, and I am now capable of speaking 6 different languages: Italian, English, Spanish, Portuguese, German and Catalan. ✈️🌐

Gerda Homeyer
German teacher at Goether Institut
Antonio ist in der Lage, sehr einfache Ausdrücke zu verwenden, um konkrete Bedürfnisse zu befriedigen. Sich vorstellen und anderen Fragen zu persönlichen Daten stellen. Interagieren Sie einfach, solange die andere Person langsam und deutlich spricht.

Camile Cunha
Brazilian Portuguese tutor
Antonio é uma pessoa muito agradável, que tem fome de conhecimento. Fala muitos idiomas e tem experiências profissionais e pessoais incríveis. Muito dedicado, estudioso e interessado com o português, além de ser divertido, boa pessoa. É um prazer ser sua tutora de português.

Marta Compte
Spanish and Catalan tutor
Antonio és una persona molt implicada i dedicada en tot allò que li agrada i es proposa. És molt treballador i posa energia i alegria a tot el que fa, sempre va amb un somriure. Treballa dur per aconseguir el que vol i això el fa molt especial!
Antonio es una persona muy implicada y dedicada en todo lo que le gusta y se propone. Es muy trabajador y pone energía y alegría a todo lo que hace, siempre va con una sonrisa. ¡Trabaja duro para conseguir lo que quiere y eso le hace muy especial!